Getting started


pip install vinum


Query python dict

Create a a Table from a python dict and return result of the query as a Pandas DataFrame.

>>> import vinum as vn
>>> data = {'value': [300.1, 2.8, 880], 'mode': ['air', 'bus', 'air']}
>>> tbl = vn.Table.from_pydict(data)
>>> tbl.sql_pd("SELECT value, np.log(value) FROM t WHERE mode='air'")
   value    np.log
0  300.1  5.704116
1  880.0  6.779922

Query pandas dataframe

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import vinum as vn
>>> data = {'col1': [1, 2, 3], 'col2': [7, 13, 17]}
>>> pdf = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
>>> tbl = vn.Table.from_pandas(pdf)
>>> tbl.sql_pd('SELECT * FROM t WHERE col2 > 10 ORDER BY col1 DESC')
   col1  col2
0     3    17
1     2    13

Run query on a csv stream

For larger datasets or datasets that won’t fit into memory - stream_csv() is the recommended way to execute a query. Compressed files are also supported and can be streamed without prior extraction.

>>> import vinum as vn
>>> query = 'select passenger_count pc, count(*) from t group by pc'
>>> vn.stream_csv('taxi.csv.bz2').sql(query).to_pandas()
   pc  count
0   0    165
1   5   3453

Read and query csv

>>> import vinum as vn
>>> tbl = vn.read_csv('taxi.csv')
>>> res_tbl = tbl.sql('SELECT key, fare_amount, passenger_count FROM t '
...                   'WHERE fare_amount > 5 LIMIT 3')
>>> res_tbl.to_pandas()
                            key  fare_amount  passenger_count
0   2010-01-05 16:52:16.0000002         16.9                1
1  2011-08-18 00:35:00.00000049          5.7                2
2   2012-04-21 04:30:42.0000001          7.7                1

Compute Euclidean distance with numpy functions

Use any numpy functions via the ‘np.*’ namespace.

>>> import vinum as vn
>>> tbl = vn.Table.from_pydict({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [7, 13, 17]})
>>> tbl.sql_pd('SELECT *, np.sqrt(np.square(x) + np.square(y)) dist '
...            'FROM t ORDER BY dist DESC')
   x   y       dist
0  3  17  17.262677
1  2  13  13.152946
2  1   7   7.071068

Compute Euclidean distance with vectorized UDF

Register UDF performing vectorized operations on Numpy arrays.

>>> import vinum as vn
>>> vn.register_numpy('distance',
...                   lambda x, y: np.sqrt(np.square(x) + np.square(y)))
>>> tbl = vn.Table.from_pydict({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [7, 13, 17]})
>>> tbl.sql_pd('SELECT *, distance(x, y) AS dist '
...            'FROM t ORDER BY dist DESC')
   x   y       dist
0  3  17  17.262677
1  2  13  13.152946
2  1   7   7.071068

Compute Euclidean distance with python UDF

Register Python lambda function as UDF.

>>> import math
>>> import vinum as vn
>>> vn.register_python('distance', lambda x, y: math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2))
>>> tbl = vn.Table.from_pydict({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [7, 13, 17]})
>>> tbl.sql_pd('SELECT x, y, distance(x, y) AS dist FROM t')
   x   y       dist
0  1   7   7.071068
1  2  13  13.152946
2  3  17  17.262677

Group by z-score

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import vinum as vn
>>> def z_score(x: np.ndarray):
...     """Compute Standard Score"""
...     mean = np.mean(x)
...     std = np.std(x)
...     return (x - mean) / std
>>> vn.register_numpy('score', z_score)
>>> tbl = vn.read_csv('test.csv')
>>> tbl.sql_pd('select to_int(score(fare)) AS bucket, avg(fare), count(*) '
...            'FROM t GROUP BY bucket ORDER BY bucket')
   bucket        avg  count
0       0   8.111630     92
1       1  19.380000      3
2       2  27.433333      3
3       3  34.670000      1
4       6  58.000000      1