Input/Output functions

List of Input/Output functions and factory methods.


classmethod Table.from_arrow(arrow_table: pyarrow.lib.Table)

Constructs a Table from pyarrow.Table


arrow_table (pyarrow.Table object) –


Vinum Table instance.

Return type



>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import vinum as vn
>>> data = {'col1': [1, 2, 3], 'col2': [7, 13, 17]}
>>> arrow_table = pa.Table.from_pydict(data)
>>> tbl = vn.Table.from_arrow(arrow_table)
>>> tbl.sql_pd('select * from t')
   col1  col2
0     1     7
1     2    13
2     3    17


classmethod Table.from_pandas(data_frame)

Constructs a Table from pandas.DataFrame


data_frame (pandas.DataFrame object) –


Vinum Table instance.

Return type



>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import vinum as vn
>>> data = {'col1': [1, 2, 3], 'col2': [7, 13, 17]}
>>> pdf = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
>>> tbl = vn.Table.from_pandas(pdf)
>>> tbl.sql_pd('select * from t')
   col1  col2
0     1     7
1     2    13
2     3    17


vinum.stream_csv(input_file, read_options=None, parse_options=None, convert_options=None)

Open a streaming reader of CSV data.

Reading using this function is always single-threaded.

This function is a thin convenience wrapper around pyarrow.csv.open_csv, which returns StreamReader.

  • input_file (string, path or file-like object) – The location of CSV data. If a string or path, and if it ends with a recognized compressed file extension (e.g. “.gz” or “.bz2”), the data is automatically decompressed when reading.

  • read_options (pyarrow.csv.ReadOptions, optional) – Options for the CSV reader (see pyarrow.csv.ReadOptions constructor for defaults)

  • parse_options (pyarrow.csv.ParseOptions, optional) – Options for the CSV parser (see pyarrow.csv.ParseOptions constructor for defaults)

  • convert_options (pyarrow.csv.ConvertOptions, optional) – Options for converting CSV data (see pyarrow.csv.ConvertOptions constructor for defaults)


Return type



Run aggregation query on a csv stream:

>>> import vinum as vn
>>> query = 'select passenger_count pc, count(*) from t group by pc'
>>> vn.stream_csv('taxi.csv').sql(query).to_pandas()
   pc  count
0   0    165
1   5   3453
2   6    989
3   1  34808
4   2   7386
5   3   2183
6   4   1016


vinum.read_csv(input_file, read_options=None, parse_options=None, convert_options=None, memory_pool=None)vinum.api.table.Table

Read a Table from a stream of CSV data.

This function is a thin convenience wrapper around pyarrow.csv.read_csv, which returns Table.

  • input_file (string, path or file-like object) – The location of CSV data. If a string or path, and if it ends with a recognized compressed file extension (e.g. “.gz” or “.bz2”), the data is automatically decompressed when reading.

  • read_options (pyarrow.csv.ReadOptions, optional) – Options for the CSV reader (see pyarrow.csv.ReadOptions constructor for defaults)

  • parse_options (pyarrow.csv.ParseOptions, optional) – Options for the CSV parser (see pyarrow.csv.ParseOptions constructor for defaults)

  • convert_options (pyarrow.csv.ConvertOptions, optional) – Options for converting CSV data (see pyarrow.csv.ConvertOptions constructor for defaults)

  • memory_pool (MemoryPool, optional) – Pool to allocate Table memory from


Vinum Table instance.

Return type



>>> import vinum as vn
>>> tbl = vn.read_csv('taxi.csv')
>>> res_tbl = tbl.sql('select key, fare_amount from t limit 3')
>>> res_tbl.to_pandas()
                            key  fare_amount
0   2009-06-15 17:26:21.0000001          4.5
1   2010-01-05 16:52:16.0000002         16.9
2  2011-08-18 00:35:00.00000049          5.7


vinum.read_json(input_file, read_options=None, parse_options=None, memory_pool=None)vinum.api.table.Table

Read a Table from a stream of JSON data. This function is a thin convenience wrapper around pyarrow.csv.read_json which returns Table.

  • input_file (string, path or file-like object) – The location of JSON data. Currently only the line-delimited JSON format is supported.

  • read_options (pyarrow.json.ReadOptions, optional) – Options for the JSON reader (see ReadOptions constructor for defaults)

  • parse_options (pyarrow.json.ParseOptions, optional) – Options for the JSON parser (see ParseOptions constructor for defaults)

  • memory_pool (MemoryPool, optional) – Pool to allocate Table memory from


Vinum Table instance.

Return type



>>> import vinum as vn
>>> tbl = vn.read_json('test_data.json')
>>> tbl.sql_pd('select * from t limit 3')
   id  origin    destination    fare
0   1  London  San Francisco  1348.1
1   2  Berlin         London   256.3
2   3  Munich         Malaga   421.7


vinum.read_parquet(source, columns=None, use_threads=True, metadata=None, use_pandas_metadata=False, memory_map=False, read_dictionary=None, filesystem=None, filters=None, buffer_size=0, partitioning='hive', use_legacy_dataset=True)vinum.api.table.Table

Read a Table from Parquet format. This function is a thin convenience wrapper around pyarrow.parquet.read_table, which returns Table.

  • source (str, pyarrow.NativeFile, or file-like object) – If a string passed, can be a single file name or directory name. For file-like objects, only read a single file. Use pyarrow.BufferReader to read a file contained in a bytes or buffer-like object.

  • columns (list) – If not None, only these columns will be read from the file. A column name may be a prefix of a nested field, e.g. ‘a’ will select ‘a.b’, ‘a.c’, and ‘a.d.e’.

  • use_threads (bool, default True) – Perform multi-threaded column reads.

  • metadata (FileMetaData) – If separately computed

  • read_dictionary (list, default None) – List of names or column paths (for nested types) to read directly as DictionaryArray. Only supported for BYTE_ARRAY storage. To read a flat column as dictionary-encoded pass the column name. For nested types, you must pass the full column “path”, which could be something like level1.level2.list.item. Refer to the Parquet file’s schema to obtain the paths.

  • memory_map (bool, default False) – If the source is a file path, use a memory map to read file, which can improve performance in some environments.

  • buffer_size (int, default 0) – If positive, perform read buffering when deserializing individual column chunks. Otherwise IO calls are unbuffered.

  • partitioning (Partitioning or str or list of str, default "hive") – The partitioning scheme for a partitioned dataset. The default of “hive” assumes directory names with key=value pairs like “/year=2009/month=11”. In addition, a scheme like “/2009/11” is also supported, in which case you need to specify the field names or a full schema. See the pyarrow.dataset.partitioning() function for more details.

  • use_pandas_metadata (bool, default False) – If True and file has custom pandas schema metadata, ensure that index columns are also loaded

  • use_legacy_dataset (bool, default True) – Set to False to enable the new code path (experimental, using the new Arrow Dataset API). Among other things, this allows to pass filters for all columns and not only the partition keys, enables different partitioning schemes, etc.

  • filesystem (FileSystem, default None) – If nothing passed, paths assumed to be found in the local on-disk filesystem.

  • filters (List[Tuple] or List[List[Tuple]] or None (default)) – Rows which do not match the filter predicate will be removed from scanned data. Partition keys embedded in a nested directory structure will be exploited to avoid loading files at all if they contain no matching rows. If use_legacy_dataset is True, filters can only reference partition keys and only a hive-style directory structure is supported. When setting use_legacy_dataset to False, also within-file level filtering and different partitioning schemes are supported. Predicates are expressed in disjunctive normal form (DNF), like [[('x', '=', 0), ...], ...]. DNF allows arbitrary boolean logical combinations of single column predicates. The innermost tuples each describe a single column predicate. The list of inner predicates is interpreted as a conjunction (AND), forming a more selective and multiple column predicate. Finally, the most outer list combines these filters as a disjunction (OR). Predicates may also be passed as List[Tuple]. This form is interpreted as a single conjunction. To express OR in predicates, one must use the (preferred) List[List[Tuple]] notation.


Vinum Table instance.

Return type



>>> import vinum as vn
>>> tbl = vn.read_parquet('users.parquet')
>>> tbl.sql_pd('select * from t limit 3')
    registration_dttm  id first_name  ...      usage                title
0 2016-02-03 07:55:29   1     Amanda  ...   49756.53     Internal Auditor
1 2016-02-03 17:04:03   2     Albert  ...  150280.17        Accountant IV
2 2016-02-03 01:09:31   3     Evelyn  ...  144972.51  Structural Engineer

[3 rows x 13 columns]